Saturday, May 07, 2005

Exam stress..

Sigh, had an upsetting week, a week full of ups n downs, but i think more of the latter. So much to do, so much to cover in such a short time period. I realised that the exams r not v far away, but teaching is still going to go on.. n more n more stuff will jus pile up. I really am lost at what to do n how to prepare when there's more n more stuff coming in everyday.. sigh. On the brighter note, there was another multicultural week in the uni.. great stuff.. had s'pore n malaysian food since i came here.. Haha. It was nice to have a small touch n reminder of the local food n culture n see the people involved.. Also am having some probs in finding accomodation next semester.. really dunno how.. i wanna solve the prob quickly too but i seriously have no time to go look and search for houses or apartments. Sigh.. Anyway i think most of the ppl in s'pore are ald finishing their exams or ald have finished them.. Njoy the holidays u all! I knw some ppl dun even have exams! So gd.. Can't wait for these few mths n for the exams to b over so i can go home for a while. Miss everyone back in sing..

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