Sunday, April 19, 2009

Long time no blog.. it's already APRIL 09!

Woah.. such long time no blog.. haha.. have been working for abt 2 mths now, things have been ok, now am being put to do night shift duty, which is fine (more free time) but also takes a toll on my sleeping habits. Haha. Anyway hopefully this will end soon, although some ppl might prefer this lol. Having a job also now entails having better time management, and learning to manage finances. It's really different when you earn yourself and when you are in control of your own finances. Have to start to save regularly and avoid overspending (although I might have already with only 2 mths pay) haha. Anyway this is really a learning curve and hopefully I will be able to hit my target savings in future!

Time sure flies, and its ald mid April 2009! Was recalling last yr what I was up to during these few mths.. and realised that students ald had their mid sem break and ocf easter camp over! I didn't even realise that as I was too engrossed settling down to my new job. Maybe the next time I blog it will ald be the end of the year! hhaaa who knows.. have been really lazy in blogging but I will still post something here smtimes nonetheless. Dun want my nice blog to go to waste.. ahaha.

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