Friday, November 12, 2004

Wow.. it's been almost 2 mths since i've blogged.. sigh. Have been catching up with my programming stuff lately.. and helping mum and around at home. Everyone's, well, not everyone is having exams now.. n i feel kinda left out.. not that i WANT exams, and even though i know i still have 4 freaking years to study, meaning i have to enter the stupid exam hall 8 times!!! Want to go back to studies asap, but at the same time i kinda can't bear to leave home again.. The reason i stayed behind was to accompany my mum.. she's still feeling the after effects to the loss of my dad.. and i can understand what she's going thru.. Just gotta study real hard when i reutrn to Aust next year to continue my studies.. and hope my sis can grad soon so she can come back Singpore and find a gd job.. Miss all of my friends, both the ones in Singapore and in Aust.. will prob catch up with everyone during the holidays.. which is coming! Though it's not the end of the year yet, the new year is approaching fast.. and as i reflect back, This year is really a life turning and unexpected one.. so many things happened.. I just hope i will do well now, and grad quickly.. Don't really feel like going back to aust to study sometimes, but no choice.. Being the man of the house now, i gotta be strong and take care of my family.. Well, gtg now.. jus informing those who have been reading my blog, sorry for not updating it regularly.. i shall continue doing it when i have more net access.. N i will be returing back to Adelaide next year, 16th feb.. so will wanna catch up with every1 this year, as next yr, it'll b a fresh new start for me... :-)

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