One Step.....
No problem was ever solved
without a climb,
and every mountain can only
be tackled
one step at a time.
Though burdens bring
disappointment and pain,
a summit lies ahead to gain.
Don't waste your time
worrying about what might have been,
and if you slip just get back
on the road again.
Though the winter sky
claims the summer's blue,
to yourself
you must still be true.
For you have dreams
that will never pass away,
and they will remain your
lasting sun through
trouble's way.
And though progress
can seem slow
through the climb,
remember that
a mountain can only
be conquered
one step at a time.
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
wow... very very long time since i blogged.. so it seems everyone too. hee. really lonely.. feel this way, don knw y, mayb cos my yan not around.. sigh.. end of e year is coming, have to start making resolutions n try to keep them! haha... :-) really have to reflect on the year, what i have done well, done badly, what can be improved.. etc. But really have to thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed on me n my family.. i Suppose this shall b my last blog post of the year.. v. significant! hee.. Here's wishing all my frens and family n every1 i know a wonderful new year ahead!!! HaPpY 2004!!! Peace!